



Differential Forms by Michael Penn

The serie Differential Forms by Michael Penn are comprehensive lectures covering the exterior product, the exterior derivative, and the Hodge operator. The Hodge dual in 4-dimensional Minkowski space is included and Maxwell’s equations via differential forms introduced.

Maxwell’s Theory in Relativistic Notations by Neil Turok

In 14/15 PSI - Relativity - Lecture 1, Neil Turok gives a concise and precise presentation of Maxwell’s equations in tensor notation.

Review of Manifold Basics by Ruth Gregory

In her Gravitational Physics Lecture of January 8, 2024, Ruth Gregory gives a rushed overview of Manifold basics. This is not learning material though, but review material.

Gravitational Physics Lecture by Ruth Gregory

There is great content from the Perimeter Institute Recorded Seminar Archive that I am going through. Here is a list of videos, which I have not watched yet.

Relativity and Cosmology II

I am yet to watch the serie Relativity and Cosmology II by Claus Kiefer.

I am interested in Cartan connections and Cartan structure equations and the following content:


I sometimes participate in discussions, which are gathered here:

Physics Stackexchange
